About Payusnomind

When I started Pay Us No Mind, I was an active artist searching for the best tools to get my music out there. But I couldn’t find a voice with my unique background—someone who could break things down in a way that covered everything I felt was important. The information either came from artists who lacked a technical foundation or tech-minded people who weren’t artists themselves.

And in the words of Johnny Cash—I’ve been everywhere, man. Like most artists, I faced financial challenges. In other words, I was broke. But that struggle became my freedom—it forced me to be resourceful. I couldn’t afford a graphic designer, so I became one. I couldn’t afford a web developer, so I learned to code. I couldn’t pay a company to market my music, so I became a music marketer.

I’ve always had a passion for journalism, and when that curiosity met my analytical mind, it pushed me to research deeply into companies and the music business as a whole. Every challenge, every skill I picked up along the way, gave me hands-on experience in nearly every aspect of the industry.

Pay Us No Mind and Marketing Brains are about sharing that knowledge—giving independent artists the insights and tools they need to navigate the business of music.